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Remembrance Day at the Rupp House

The Rupp House

The Gettysburg Foundation has graciously agreed to open up the side yard of the historic Rupp House on Baltimore Street to Civil War Historical Impressions (CWHI) for use in interpretation on the weekend of Remembrance Day 2023. The plan is to establish a bivouac adjacent to the Rupp House with two 20-30 man companies to honor the 153rd PA and the 61st GA. Both units offer compelling stories of honor, sacrifice, and determination. The latter is commemorated with two monuments at Gettysburg.

These forces were engaged on July 1st, 1863 at and around Blocher’s Knoll — today known as Barlow’s Knoll. This action took place a little over a mile and a half north of the Rupp House (which was torn down by the Rupp family to make way for their post-war home that stands there today). As the day progressed, the fighting pressed across the Rupp family property until it was taking place along the axis of Baltimore Street itself. Rupp later claimed that US and CS soldiers were shooting at one another through his house from opposing porches. You can read more about the fighting at Barlow’s Knoll here and here. The second article offers a particularly moving account of the 153rd PA that is worth the read!

Map of Battle of Gettysburg, Day One
(Click to Enlarge)

Impression Guidelines

Program Schedule

Friday PM: Camp unofficially opens to allow for setup, hanging out, and spending Friday night under canvas (if you prefer not to or cannot get a hotel room). This doesn’t have to be a hardcore “embrace the suck” thing — there are plenty of other events to be had where immersion is the focus, so if you have a nice sleeping bag rated for cold weather, tuck that up under your wool blanket!

9:00am: Camp is defarbed and open to the public to interact with us over coffee around our fire.
12:00pm: All participants assemble across the street at Lefever Ave for the parade. The parade is open to more than just the two companies who will be with us at the Rupp House, so if you’ve got a hotel and still want to march with us, fall in and form the battalion!
3:00pm: Assemble at Barlow’s Knoll to address what transpired there and leave flowers, wreath, or luminary in honor of the men who fought and died there. The program officially concludes after this, but the bivouac will remain open to those who wish to hang out and stay over Saturday night.

Registration & Donations

There will be a registration fee of $10 to stay on the Rupp House Grounds with allocations per person as follows: $8 as a donation to the Gettysburg Foundation, $1 to Civil War Historical Impressions, $1 to Homespun Historical Ventures. At $10 per person, this beats getting a hotel room if you’re willing to sleep outside!

If you’re planning to just join us for the parade and program at Barlow’s Knoll, it is encouraged to bring $10 (cash or PayPal, we’ll have a QR code handy) as we’ll be passing a hat to collect funds and increase the impact of our gift to the Gettysburg Foundation.

We hope you to join us for an enjoyable weekend for a great cause!

Barlows’ Knoll after first day’s battle, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, northwest of town. July 1, 1863. Photograph from the National Archives.

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